What We Do
Since 2008, our team has helped hundreds of contractors develop highly profitable multi-million-dollar businesses with our construction business coach services
As a Contractor, we will help you transform your role from a “Contractor to the CEO” of your business, so you can live a great life as a business owner.
Running a contracting business is hard work – especially getting the business to do consistent 6 figure months.
But what got you here, will not take your business to consistent 7 figure months.
Once the business hits 6 figures a month, most contractors will spend a ton of money on ads, trying to close project after project. This is a mistake.
Why? Because your business will end up in chaos. You will spend your days fighting fires, start to get bad reviews from ideal clients, and your business may start losing money.
This is where our Business Coaching Program comes into play. It helps you push through these barriers and “Conquer the Chaos” to build a thriving business you can be proud of.
You will learn how to quickly build a business based on systems, run by a professionally trained team. With our coaching insights, you can step back and manage the business. This creates a business that provides less stress, more free time, and financial security most can only dream of.
We have done this for 2008 and we have the results to prove it.
Client Results
Custom built coaching and business consulting program
We provide one-on-one executive coaching for Contractors. We work together with our clients to create a business coaching program tailored to the specific needs of each business.
This prevents you from having to reinvent the wheel and follow a specific step-by-step process to achieve your goals much faster than most people will expect.
You also avoid wasted time learning generalized information provided by most mass market group coaching programs that is only mildly helpful. After all, what’s worse than having to figure out how to apply something generic to your specific situation?
You will be paired with one of our highly experienced Master Business Coaches, each with over 10,000 hours of coaching experience. Think of them as your guide as they lead you through the shortest possible path to achieve your goals – because in business speed matters. They will also hold you accountable to achieving your goals. When you struggle to hit some goals, as most will, they will show you the way to overcome your obstacles. They have done this with at least a hundred other contractors and are ready to help you.
Join the community of success-oriented contractors.
You will also have access to a community of like-minded contractors. Some may be a few steps ahead of you, who are going through similar challenges. But all are more than willing to share how they solved many of the challenges you are dealing with today.
Speed Matters:
The advantage of one-on-one coaching vs joining groups is the speed of results.
And in business, speed matters.
Those who can execute the fastest will beat those who sit around in groups, paying to learn information, which is mostly available for free. And then you still need to figure out how to apply this information to your specific business.
That’s where a one-on-one coaching process has helped many of our clients double their business revenue in 12-18 months.
Many clients have grown their businesses between 5x to 50x in a few short years.
Compare that with most contractors in group coaching programs and online courses, which will potentially take years.
Learn how to run a successful and profitable business, while still having time to enjoy your life. Scehdule you free 30 min business assessment call to arrange your weekly business coaching program with the Contractors Coach.
Topics Covered
No two of our business coaching partnerships looks alike. We use fundamental building blocks to create a success path customized to your specific business. Your personal business coach can touch on a variety of relevant topics and insights, including:
Transform you to the CEO of your business:
Your personal Vision Board
Business Strategy to make your personal vision a reality
A 3yr, 1 yr and 90Day action plan
Unlocking the keys to grow your business with new potential clients
Understanding the financials of your business to drive results
Specific back-end systems for the office to support the field
Effective project management systems to produce high margin jobs with high customer satisfaction
Recruiting your A-Team
Building a solid company culture
Team training and development
Creating a leadership team with high accountability
A business build on systems and processes and run by the numbers.
Upgrading You – to the CEO of your business.
Business success doesn’t look the same for every contractor. But the path to get there for your business is built on the decades of collective experience we have in this space.
When you arrange an initial call with our business growth consultant, the key is discovery. We will identify what areas of your business need the most attention. Everything thereafter will fall into place.
“We are experts when it comes to solving problems for construction businesses.”
How The Contractors Coach Program Works
The nature of every consultation is unique. This is the magic of small business consulting services. Our proven construction business coach structure works, and it will work for you:
Step 1: 30 Min Call (FREE)
Call us for a free 30-min consultation focused on your business goals.
Discuss your business issues and get expert feedback to address your problems.
If your business is a good fit we will invite you to proceed to step 2.
Step 2: Strategy Session Call (FREE)
We will develop a specific action plan for your business with your personalized business development consultant.
We will create business strategies to address your problems.
We will develop a financial model. This will represent what your business will look like if you apply these strategies and business decisions.
Step 3: Executive Coaching Program (PAID)
You will meet with your online business coach one-on-one, in person or by video conference.
Sessions are 1 hr, every week during the planning phase.
Sessions are 1 hr, every other week during the execution phase.